OMG I hate pedants that don’t understand language structure in the slightest, and try to infer that someone is a horrible person because the accuser doesn’t fucking get language.

Thomas Sinclair: “Oops! Please tag the author of this post as either historically illiterate or an anti-Semite, or both! He claims that “tens of thousands of prisoners died,” but allegedly, was far more! Whatever the case, he seems to be pointing the finger, but he ought to point it at himself LOL.…/9202100662_1_death…

“In the Memorial Site archive 32,000 deaths are documented; many thousands died however who were not officially registered”

The author never said that only ‘tens of thousands of prisoners died’ in all of the Nazi German camps. They said that it was the case with Dachau… which is accurate. You might want to make sure your own statements are correct before calling someone a bigot or eluding to the idea that they are stupid.”

Thomas Sinclair: “Sorry, Miss. He wrote: ” Tens of thousands of prisoners died in the forced labor camp” (Dachau). I wrote: He claims that “tens of thousands of prisoners died.” In any civilized European nation, he (and maybe you) could be rounded up as holocaust denies or defamers of the dead and you (who excused him) might serve 5 years in prison. Just sayin’ and not claiming that it’s right “

Me: “And I’m saying it’s bullshit because he clearly identifies that he’s talking about Dachau. The previous sentence SPECIFICALLY says Dachau. It is assumed that is what he is referring to when the follow-up sentence says “THE labor camp” and not “the labor campS”, and to assume otherwise is not only incorrect in the observation of the language, but also unethical and purposefully misreading.

So, no, you are still incorrect, and attempting to be pedantic, and failing miserably at painting the author as any kind of holocaust denier or anti-semite.”

On this article:

The quote in question:

“The poster on Walmart’s website featured the front gate of Dachau Concentration Camp, showing the inscription “Arbeit Macht Frei” — or “Work will make you free.” Tens of thousands of prisoners died in the forced labor camp.”

If someone reads that as the author saying only “tens of thousands of prisoners died” in all of the forced labor camps of Nazi Germany combined, then said person is either a fucking moron, or is TRYING to start shit.