Posts tagged zelda
Zelda – Comic Clerk
0Ever curious about what goes on at a comic shop when it’s slow? Zelda gives you the chance to take a peak at exactly how naughty things can get when there’s little work to be done, and a whole lot of nerdy stuff to play with.
(click the images for a larger preview)
Check out more from Zelda & other truly geeky girls!
Zelda – Kitty Revisit
0Zelda revisits her feline side in this sexy outdoor cosplay shoot! She even breaks out one of her toys ^_^
Check this set out & more on GeekGirlsOnline!
Zelda – Road Warrior
0Good ol’ apocalypse porn! Not much is better Zelda shot this Mad Max inspired set out in the desert with a VERY convincing car & outfit! You could almost taste the end of the world on the tip of your tongue.
See cosplay & more from Zelda!
The GeekZine is Back!
After a 6 month hiatus, the GeekZine is back! Currently, we’re playing a little ‘catch up’, but the zine will start debuting as close to on-time as possible from here on out! Be sure to check out May 2011′s zine featuring the winners for the First Annual “Geek Awards”, artwork from Alice Malice and more!
June’s zine should be up in a couple days & will have a review of X-Men First Class from MaGnUs, delicious gamer inspired steampunk artwork from Zelda, a review of Mortal Kombat from Negi, more from The HGW’s “The List of things Mr Welch can no longer do in an RPG” & a sex toy review from Athena Hollow!
July will feature coverage of the first ever Days of the Dead convention from Indianapolis including a write up about the convention and pictures! And of course, August is our annual Gen Con edition. So, be sure to check back often, or just follow our facebook & twitter!
Zelda – Beach Babe
0Zelda drove to the beach in a “Zelda 64″ plated car and decided to strip on the beach. Yay for nude sunbathing and swimming!
See more from Zelda & more Geek Girl fun!
Also — There will be a bonus update late tonight/early Wed. morning, from Athena Hollow! A new video will be posted to say thanks for helping get GeekGirlsOnline nominated for the 2010 awards! Without you, we couldn’t have done it So keep an eye on our forum, twitter and facebook accounts to know when the bonus video will be posted!
New Model, Mina Morgan & Help a few GeekGirls!
0Yay! A new model to add to the Geek Girl ranks We welcome Dracula loving Mina Morgan ^_^
Mina is an artist and spends most of her time doing things involving painting. From paintballing on the weekends, to jazzing up her Warhammer: Fantasy minitures, she’s elbow deep in reds, blues and greens.
Mina’s first set features her as a barbarian huntress Enjoy the previews!
Join GeekGirlsOnline for more nerdy cosplay porn!
Also, I want to take a quick moment to inform all the followers of GGO that we have 3 lovely models involved in a contest right now, that everyone should vote daily for! Alice Malice, Zelda & Lizzy Kaelar are participating in a contest via facebook that if they hit the top 12 in, on June 1st, will win a free ride to Gen Con Indy as well as be featured in an all geek girl calendar! Everyone should vote EVERY DAY!!
We can help them win this. And think of the awesome sets we can shoot if Athena Hollow, Zelda, Alice and Lizzy all meet up! ^_^ COSPLAY EXPLOSION PEOPLE!
So, bookmark these 3 links and vote once a day and help your lovely GGO models!
We can do this!
Double Cosplay Update!
0It’s been a very annoying month for us at GeekGirlsOnline, mostly due to IRS delays and a plague that just doesn’t want to go away. As a treat for the members that have stuck through it with us, here’s two updates this week and both cosplay!! First, we have Alice Malice giving us a taste of being a pirate:
Next up is Zelda. Braving the snow, deer woman looks for her next vict… err… lover
Also, this weekend, we emailed the winner of the official GGO D20 Dice Bag, but if they do not respond, we will be emailing a new winner tonight. Be sure to check your email to see if you are the lucky one!
Join NOW for TONS more cosplay porn!
Zelda – Guitar Heroine
0We hope everyone got lots of geektastic things for xmas this year! We know we did Including this hot cosplay set of Judy Nails from Guitar Hero featuring Zelda ^_^
Check out more cosplay action from Zelda!
Quick notes of interest:
If you would like to submit an article or artwork for the first GeekZine of 2011, be sure to get it to us by Sunday – Compensation is always a free month to GeekGirlsOnline per article accepted and published.
Also, the 2010 GeekGirlsOnline Viewers Choice Awards are coming to a close. There’s still a few days to cast your vote for best games, celebs and characters from 2010. Vote Here
Zelda – Action Girl
0When action figures get a mind of their own, they can be sweet or downright rude, but Zelda always takes control of the situation.
Join GeekGirlsOnline today to see lots more of Zelda and other Geeky Girls doing Naughty Things!
Also, if you want to be included in the July GeekZine, be sure to get me your articles no later than Noon Sunday July 28th!
We will back on our regular update schedule on Monday ^_^
Zelda – World Warrior
0Ahh, the Queen of Cosplay is back from vacation in South America and she brought us this unbelievably sexy video! In fact, it’s Zelda’s video debut on GeekGirlsOnline!
As the VERY hot Chun-Li, Zelda titillates and tantalizes as she masturbates both in and out of costume. Check out the preview below, and I promise you will not be disappointed.
[There is a video that cannot be displayed in this feed. Visit the blog entry to see the video.]
Check out this hot video (and more!) on GeekGirlsOnline
Also, picking up the slack around these parts finally, I have the June 2010 GeekZine up and running!
MaGnUs gives very awesome points as to why he feels Mandarin shouldn’t be the villain for Iron Man 3, Negi’s review of Splinter Cell: Conviction, The ‘List of things Mr. Welch Can No Longer Do in an RPG” is back, a fantastic sketch of a flying from resident geek artist Hedgegoth and a very insightful article from Garnet about the possibilities of sex addiction.
Check out June 2010′s GeekZine
Zelda – NewDart
0We love every geeky thing our models send to us, but sometimes there are sets that aren’t inherently geeky that we get that are just amazing and sexy.
Zelda has no need to ‘prove’ her geek status as anyone who’s seen her previous work will agree: She’s a cosplay queen.
So, we are here this week with an amazingly sensuous set shot in all black and white featuring Zelda fully nude through the whole thing!