I get the appeal of having the fall back of a singular answer (God made it that way), I just…
0I get the appeal of having the fall back of a singular answer (God made it that way), I just don’t agree with it. I think life and existence is entirely too complex to be summed up so flippantly. I also feel it’s a crutch to further embrace the fear of the unknown, as opposed to learning the very things you don’t already know. People hate being proven wrong. Hell, some are terrified. But if your belief structure can be stifled even a little bit just from learning and doing and experiencing, then maybe your belief structure isn’t as strong and reliable as you make it out to be.
Ffffuuuuuuuu Witcher 3 has a listed pre-order date on Amazon of Dec 31 2014. I CAN’T WAIT…
0Ffffuuuuuuuu Witcher 3 has a listed pre-order date on Amazon of Dec 31 2014. I CAN’T WAIT THAT LONG GUYS. And Dragon Age Inquisition still doesn’t have even a remote release date other than “Sometime Fall 2014”. You guys are fucking killing me here.
rppr-podcast: Golden age superherose are pretty much…
0Golden age superherose are pretty much indistinguishable from the average player character in a tabletop RPG. Solving problems through murder and poorly wrought backstories.
Christmas Limited Edition Video
0Someone had asked if I was going to do a holiday limited edition video, and I have decided I am! It’ll be an Anime Christmas around here ^_^ Sexy outfit, Christmas tree, and all dolled up ^_^ Looking at doing an actual couples video for at least part of it 😉 This one will be a wee bit more than my normal limited edition videos, but well worth it – I promise 🙂 $15 for pre-order until next Sunday, $20 after that. 15 copies will be sold and that’s it! If you’re interested, send me an email
Just shot a photoset for – will be live…
0Just shot a photoset for – will be live later tonight ^_^
Live on cam on @EroticBPM ^_^
0Live on cam on @EroticBPM ^_^
Q&A, Snapchat memberships for only $25 and Lifetime accounts on GeekGirlsOnline & MissAthenaHollow
0Thinking of starting to add in weekly Q&A vids to the site 🙂 But that would require questions! So, anything you’ve ever wanted to know, ask away and I’ll do my best to get you an answer.
Also, don’t forget that you can grab a 6 month sub to daily snapchat pictures for only $25, and lifetime memberships to GeekGirlsOnline or MissAthenaHollow for $200 each, or $300 for both! Drop me an email at if you’re interested 🙂
My Charity Bundle Experience (or How you should get everything in writing & details squared away first)
0So we did end up *finally* getting our money from Tabletop Drop, but I’m still not particularly impressed with them. They said early last week that it’d be sent out this past weekend. So, at 11:45P on Sunday night, we got an e-check through paypal, which we then had to wait until today for it to clear. I would highly suggest that *IF* anyone works with them, that you work out a way to get your royalties split automatically through DriveThruRPG since they have a system in place specifically for that – so you can avoid the problems we have dealt with. I’m also very disappointed that I had to go to twitter just to get a response, after countless emails resulted in nothing.
As well, if you are wanting to put your tabletop RPG in a charity bundle type thing, I’d suggest using one of the others that exist. If you’re just wanting to raise money for charity – you can also do that entirely on your own and just donate X% of the proceeds of sales from a certain time period.
I’m saddened that this experience has turned out sour, but I am definitely not going to let it stop me from participating with various organizations, especially for charity. I’m just going to get things a little more squared away ahead of time.
Squee! For the first time in 2 years, I’m able to fit in…
0Squee! For the first time in 2 years, I’m able to fit in my kitty costume! So I shot an Anime Kitty set for ^_^