
It’s getting nerdy in here! Game night takes a weird turn…


It’s getting nerdy in here! Game night takes a weird turn when @officialdolliedarko summons her hawk (again). @xcorvus777 wonders what she’s got up her sleeve! Stream the brand new scene at #burningangel dot com! #inkedgirls #tattoos #nerds #nerdporn #letsplay #gamers #tattooporn

Things just got interesting for roommates Mikaela and Xander,…


Things just got interesting for roommates Mikaela and Xander, after finding out each others #nerdy secret! See if they #pwn some #n00bs together, at

Gamers 3 poster I made :) PLEASE repost & Share!The Gamers 3…


Gamers 3 poster I made 🙂 PLEASE repost & Share!

The Gamers 3 Kickstarter

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