No GamerGate, Dan Olsen Didn’t Break the Law:








A whole lot of people got upset at Dan Olsen for posting an article titled “The Mods Are Always Asleep” where he exposed 8chan’s child…

Is it legit to spread it to innocent people? No. That’s my issue with Olsen. He didn’t send it of the mods nor Hotwheels. He sent it to random people as a Medium post. We. Aren’t. 8chan. Mods. That’s like going around and saying “look at this murdered person!” That’s not how justice works. Justice isn’t bringing innocent people to issues they aren’t involved in.

I told you, the law is with HotWheels and I’m with the law. Don’t bring it up with me, bring it with the police. They were the ones that decided its legal.

And yes. I do say as long its legal it’s okay. Take this with someone with a disciplinarian for a mother and been through e middle of a full-on brawl with his family, the law is where I stand. Even if I don’t like it. I don’t like my family smoking and day drinking, but I know they have the right. Its not my right to remove the rights of others. I can judge, but I can’t enact.

I am with the side of the law. I don’t like the law sometimes, but I learned to live with it.

“I am with the side of the law. I don’t like the law sometimes, but I learned to live with it.”

Glad to know whose back you’d have during segregation.