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Posts tagged xmen
June 2011 GeekZine
013 years
XMen First Class
A spoilerific review of the latest installment to the Marvel franchise: XMen: First Class, from MaGnUs
Model Art – Zelda
Zelda reimagines Ratchet & Clank in perfect Steampunk fashion
Game Review – Mortal Kombat
Negi is still stuck on a boat in the middle of nowhere, but he took time out to send in his point of view on the remake of Mortal Kombat.
The List
1301-1350 of “Things Mr. Welch Can No Longer Do in an RPG”
Toy Review – Evolved Seduction
A new column from Athena Hollow featuring a new sex toy review every month! This month, she gives the ups and downs for Evolved’s “Seduction”